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t P<<<<<<---Please
Click 'on air' sign, then come back to this page.r
Please Boycott All
Kraft Food Products. Kraft is owned by "Death Factory"
Philip Morris. oFont;}}\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\headery720\footery720\formshade\plain\f0\cf0\fs20\plain\fs20\cf0\cf2
* *ures.\par\par ---Gov. George W. Bush.\par}
{\rtf1\ansi\ftnbj{\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss
Arial;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0 ;\n255\blue255
;\red0\green0\blue0 ;\red0\green0\blue0
Default Paragraph
Font;}}\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\headery720\footery720\formshade\plain\f0\cf0\fs20\plain\fs20\cf0\cf2Quote-of-the-day* Lan in South Africa
Lan spent many
years on the radio in Seattle and Hawaii. (click)
For Lan's Latest Editorial
Please gently click on the eyes below:
Click on Homer and read
editorial feedback & letters.
To send your
comments click on the toilet
Lan's Postcard from
Hawaii-Sept. 1978. Click palm tree. (re: 4 legged duck)
This Picture was taken in 1971 at Seattle Sky Sports in
Issaquah, Washington just before Lan's 200th jump.
-- For Lan's Joke of
the day click on Krusty
Some of the fun stuff from Seattle's entertainment history can be found at A Seattle Lexicon: Blasts from the Past
From Left to Right: Gary Shannon, Emperor Smith (passed away Oct 2001), Normal Gregory, Keven Metheny, Lan Roberts, Ric Hansen, Robert L. Scott(passed away summer 98'. Will be missed)
The KJR Super Car below:
Lan is the guy on the Right. That's Pat O'Day in the front seat waving at passing motorists who think we're nuts?
New Orleans snake man promotion.
Click Darth to see the
K.O.L. Lil Guy car.
Click on the lil fart to
go to the Old Fart's Club site. All members are former Seattle
KJR and KOL air personalities. Check out the pictures from
yesteryear when radio was fun.
Click the radio to
see KJR, Seattle DJs in 1973 plus recently discovered jock
pictures from a mid 60's KJR Fab 50 sheet. Plus the mysterious Lil Green Thing
With a Picture of a Duck on It.
Click this radio to see Lan's photo page.
Click the
"Crystal Ball" for other friends home pages and neat
places to check out.